Brilliant Time Hack: How to Earn 2 Extra Hours a Day
There is one thing all human beings have in common. No matter your skin color, gender, nationality, interests, strengths, weaknesses,...

Top 10 Things To Do When Starting a Business
Want to start a business? Go for it! We live in a day and age where there is so much education and resources to get you started. Owning...

“When nobody else celebrates yourself, learn to celebrate yourself. When nobody else compliments you, then compliment yourself. It’s not...

5 Quick Tips to Becoming a Happier Business Owner
Most entrepreneurs start up a businesses with great excitement and passion, to escape the typical 9-5 corporate world and embark on this...

The Follow Up Boot Camp: 4 Steps to Revolutionize Your Follow Up Process (Infographic)
How many of us struggle with following up? If you haven’t heard these statistics, you are behind in the game! Did you know that 44% of...

3 Simple Ways to Get Your Customers Attention (Infographic)
Looking for some simple ways to get in front of your customers and grab their attention? Here are 3 easy, but often overlooked things to...
How To Secret Shop Your Competition
Have you ever wondered how your competition is doing? You decide to open a business. It’s been your passion for a long time, and you...

Overcome your fear of failure and grow your business
Why are we afraid of failure? There are a number of reasons we fear failure. Embarrassment, Regret, Lack of control just to name a few....

How To Create a Company Culture - Part 1
Imagine this, your friend comes out to lunch with you and starts talking about their job. At first you thought he liked his job because...

A Sneak Peak Inside Inside Jill's Office Company Culture - Part 2
If you read our previous post on "How To Create A Company Culture-Part 1" you learned how to create a culture for your company. Now the...